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Showing posts from November, 2015

Blue water rescue in a big sea

By:   Boat / Fishing : Best Video This video shows the 5 metre swell and Force 6 gusting wind that volunteers from Stromness Lifeboat Station faced after being paged at 3.30am following reports of a cargo ship in trouble in the Hoy Sound. Joined by their colleagues from Kirkwall and a Coastguard helicopter and rescue tug, a salvage pump was transferred to the ship before it was towed back to Kirkwall almost twelve hours after the shout began. Blue water rescue in a big seaThis video shows the 5 metre swell and Force 6 gusting wind that volunteers from Stromness Lifeboat Station faced after being paged at 3.30am following reports of a cargo ship in trouble in the Hoy Sound. Joined by their colleagues from Kirkwall and a Coastguard helicopter and rescue tug, a salvage pump was transferred to the ship before it was towed back to Kirkwall almost twelve hours after the shout began. Posted by Boat / Fishing : Best Video on Saturday, November 28, 2015 ...

9 TIPS How to Prep Your Boat Ready for Spring Commissioning

By   Ericka Watson De-Winterize Your Boat Spring Boat Prep to Get Your Boat Ready for Spring Commissioning Get ready for the spring commissioning of your boat by following these simple tips to de-winterize it after a long, hard winter. If you did winterize your boat, you saved yourself some spring boat prep time and possible headaches now, which means the road between your boat and the water is shorter! Although it is always best to winterize a boat before putting it into storage, if you didn't, don't worry. You can perform those tasks now for the spring commissioning. Here's how: 1.  Have Your Manufacturer's Manual Handy If you have a copy, great. If you don't, it would be a good idea to get one. You'll need it to replace fluids and parts properly. Never take apart anything without consulting the manual first. 2.  De-winterizing Your Engine The engine is the heart of the boat, and since it will most like take the ...


By   Kevin Falvey Learns the ins and outs of two-part topside coatings. Advil had become as much a part of my spring make-ready kit as paintbrushes, grease and wrenches. That’s because I usually spent four days swinging a rotary polisher to remove the cloudy-white oxidation and return  Breakaway ’s finish to glorious. All that work would carry the glossy, dark-blue finish from April until about ­ mid-July at my home port in the Northeast. Were I a lower-latitude boater, the more-intense rays of the sun would require me to haul the boat and refinish it sooner. But there is another option: paint. Now, the best finish coatings are two-part paints. That’s what the pros use. That’s what companies like Hinckley Yachts and Hatteras apply over gelcoat to achieve the toughest finish with the best gloss, color, flexibility and resistance to abrasion and chemicals. That’s what your local boatyard with a paint booth and the great rep will use. But historically “two-par...

A Nice Days Fishing! Taking turns that's what is Going on there

Tulle style baby!!! Nice fishing spot Wonder what he using for bait? Cause it ain't working.....LMAO Been there done that....several I saw doggies style For Watch More Videos Like My Page Facebook :  Boat / Fishing : Best Video ㋡═☞ [̲̅L][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅k̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] + [̲̅S][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] ☜═㋡ Lmfao. Is someone really bitchin about this video??? Do you see any tits or vag? Nope ya don't lol Holy shit Robert Ralph posted this, wtf Bill Coyne Suspend him please  This video show sex  That's more then nudity here And Jeremy smith report him please. Did he catch a big fish? Getting the pole wet at least Oh that's so damn funny! I would have cast a lure and snatched up their clothes!!! Thats me in the bushes. Lol man I tried to share it but can't Taking turns that's what is Going on there Dude was waiting his turn haha Laughing my ass off. Did you see the guy s...

What could possibly go wrong...!! Stupid shit is funny

Run the reel tether line through a bottom scupper hole, then if you loose the rod , the pull will be downward!!!!! This will add downward ballast rather than flip. It is harder to reach, but well worth it considering the potential deadly alternative. Stupid shit is funny, until you get hurt. Dumb ass would have deserved it if he would have been ate by a shark. B/S it looks like it was all staged to me. ㋡═☞ does Noddy squeal like this when he hooks one For Watch More Videos : ㋡═☞ [̲̅L][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅k̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] + [̲̅S][̲̅h̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] ☜═㋡