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3 injured in Mesa jet ski explosion - Video

A jet ski just exploded at a Mesa dealership and three people were injured. 

Three people were injured Tuesday morning when a jet ski exploded at a Kawasaki dealership in Mesa and sent flames and shrapnel into the air, authorities said. KPNX

Three people were injured Tuesday morning when a jet ski exploded at a Kawasaki dealership in Mesa and sent flames and shrapnel into the air, authorities said.
The incident happened at Kelly's Kawasaki, located on South Country Club Drive, near Southern Avenue
Crews from Mesa fire/medical and Gilbert fire responded to an incident at Kelly's Kawasaki on Country Club near Southern Ave. KPNX

Emergency crews from Mesa and Gilbert treated the three males -- two adults and a 16-year-old. One of the men works at the dealership.
Two of them are listed in critical but stable condition and the third has minor injuries, officials said without specifically identifying the condition each was in.
All were taken to local trauma and and burn hospitals, according to a Mesa Fire and Medical spokesperson.
The most serious of injuries were from burns and shrapnel while all obtained various degrees of shrapnel-related injuries, the spokesperson said.

Aerial images from Sky 12 show the remains of the watercraft in the parking lot of the dealership surrounded by debris. The top half of the vehicle has been blown off and is lying in pieces. The bottom half is still on a trailer connected to the hitch of a pickup truck with a tailgate that looks charred and blackened by the explosion.


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