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Tips for buying the "perfect boat."


But you can’t decide which one, right? Like any other game, boat buying is won and lost in the preparation. You need to get your priorities straight, your goals clear and your ducks in a row before you begin. Apply the following principles to help you make the best decision.


Water Type

Determining the type of water you intend to boat in most of the time drives a cascading series of decisions that can affect diverse characteristics, from which beach or cove you can explore to economy of operation. Hulls with deeper-V shapes ride smoother but draw more water and may require more power to achieve a given speed.

Crew Size

The rated capacity, or the number of berths or seats, isn’t necessarily equal to the number of people that will be comfortable aboard. What’s your average outing duration?

Size Wise
Displacement is a measure of volume and so is a better measure of boat size, especially for a cruiser. Most service fees are based on LOA.


Is sleeping aboard a reality for you? An alternative is to cruise to waterside hotels. Of course nothing beats dawn breaking in a scenic cove.

You can fish aboard a ski boat, ski from a fish boat and party aboard any boat. Be sure to consider the compromises before you buy.

Power Type

Power choices are more varied than ever. Runabouts with jets and outboards now compete with sterndrives, and larger boats now feature pods or outboards in addition to sterndrives and inboards. Multiple engines make sense for enhanced dockside maneuverability, redundant safety for boaters operating far from shore and the production of enough horsepower to make the boat plane.How much is that? As a rule of thumb, look for a minimum of 100 horsepower per 2,000 pounds of displacement, including the weight of engines, gear and crew.

Pay for It

You can plunk down a bag of cash for a boat, get a loan or provide a combination of trade-in, cash and financing. You know the price now, but you won’t know the cost until you sell the boat or trade it in. Boat loan rates averaged between 4.9 and 8 percent as we went to press. But rates change, so shopping as hard for them as for the boat pays off.

Coming Clean

When you trade in your boat, your dealer has to sell two boats to make one sale. This can weaken your negotiating position.

For Sale

Trading in is often simpler. Selling it yourself usually nets a higher price but takes time and offers no tax advantages.

True Cost

Boat loans can be stretched out over many years, easing the “cost entry.” Paying cash makes trading up — or out — easier.


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