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Tips on how to remove oxidation from a fiberglass boat.

Ship Shape TV and John Greviskis interview Barry Berhoff from Shurhold on how to remove oxidation from their project boat. Buff Magic and the Shurhold Dual Action Polisher are featured in the clip

you know it it's so exciting that you've decided ban them valuable time with us right here chip Jake Peavy teaching you how to speed-up the working with fiberglass we've gotten ethanol and now we're changing subjects on you again we're going to talk about oxidation on fiberglass boats and that leads us for final X for gas very good friend of mine they're gone by very a John great to see again very you're an expert and okay Rambo cleaning and all that you're the president and CEO sure hold in the streets and a little while back I was at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show with you and us were teaching everybody how to wax polish the boat with a special tool that your offering you show that everybody again because we're I need to do on this boat is I need to not black they're I need to actually use some type rubbing compound I have to get that chalky oxidation of are my joke about so that the bold is mirror beautiful shiny once again I'm not going to do that with wax what tool this is our dual action polisher and moved in a random orbit so knob just like a pro user rotary in a beautiful finally when you were picking up outta whack ball with that to all you had a phone pad got back to capture was at the pump at we were doing the waxing okay can I use a foam pad when I'm using a rubbing compound words if not the tool of choice know that from the past is going to be eaten away by the rubbing compound you need something more aggressive that can hold up to the rubbing compound and that's why we have the warpath on the call today may just quickly interchange and we got all set to go, okay so the fibers right here on the wall this is this the real trick in cutting of that oxidase ride okay and-and literally the gel coated disintegrating from the UV solved air maybe jet fuel you know something like that landing on the bow, okay we've got to remove that we've got a get down into that beautiful shiny job code: again.

now a little while back I was on our 28 for Blue Water Project Bell we will review of fun and 10 my guy was actually using a product that youMay also make pop magic to really make it shiny you having about yep sure do, because this is going to save you a lot of time alright and before we get into but Matt okay let's talk about traditional rubbing, compound traditional robin cotton's aroma compounds kinda like a preemie see in paper and they have different britt love it okay they have like poor medium fine in traditionally when you're running out fiberglass you might have the compound with three different compound agent like 600 grit compound media 1200 compound and maybe like that 2020 400 grit has had ever come to cut into multilingual wanna your house but magic different for the aggregate in here's what we call on variable Graham what happens is as you work it with the buffer or by hand that great breaks in half and becomes happens Robert Weiss is fine like 600 well while twenty-four 24 to 48, as you work so it all those different compounds on one as you work it so it's.
saving a tremendous amount of time and it will bring it to a mirror finish, okay now we're going to quite as well paintbrush alright and your tool is a variable speed tool and what setting do with that the polisher at when we are compound in about company but you want to be in the lower range 123.
I hope that we were going to 3 alright and so we apply the compound down with a paintbrush.
Donovan from act patterns and we start on the one and we bring it up to a two or three and we work all the way around the in okay now take a look at how the Boston we will look like before we did the project okay is what it looks like take a look at the difference okay this is absolutely amazing but we're not going we have to keep the UB acid rain stall from re-oxidizing the job I'll be happy to whack the report on a Polish when we recommend well we recommend is our pro polishes a polymer-based.
wax alternative and what this does is - make the chemical bond with the boat you applied you was same way just like a while and the white light of there's going to be no powder or taking is coming off a bit because all that goes where it needs to be right on the boat to protect it from the UV soul sign somebody wanna learn more about the tool where to get it if somebody wanna learn more about, but Magic Pro polish any the Queen tools that you guys offer please give us some direction.

all you gotta do is come to our website www dot com and from there we have all the information about cool Lee the places we could buy it like 13 nor main are many other be withdrawn.

I think you understand why IVe got the program you are credible value Harper I thank you much major, right now and take our lap I'm not today but people right here because when we come back we're gonna finish everything up looking into it right after.


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